UK Work

Providing Advice and Support: Friends of the Horn Foundation (FOHOF) aims to provide comprehensive advice and support to disadvantaged communities and non-English speaking individuals residing in the London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark, Merton, Wandsworth, as well as other London and UK-wide British Somali communities. This support includes assistance in areas such as education, employment, housing, healthcare, and integration into society.

Access to Mainstream Resources: FOHOF is dedicated to helping marginalized communities gain access to mainstream resources. By providing information, guidance, and advocacy, the FOHOF aims to bridge the gap and ensure equal opportunities for individuals who may face language and cultural barriers. This objective focuses on empowering community members to utilize available services, programs, and opportunities that they might otherwise struggle to access.

Early Intervention and Prevention of Knife and Violent Crimes: FOHOF is committed to creating an environment where early intervention takes place before young people become involved in knife and violent crimes. The FOHOF recognizes the urgency of addressing this issue and aims to implement proactive strategies that promote community safety and reduce crime rates. By collaborating with local authorities, schools, youth organizations, and community leaders, FOHOF seeks to raise awareness, provide mentoring, and develop initiatives that deter young individuals from engaging in criminal activities.

Establishing the UK’s Only Gang Grooming Prevention Centre called NetworkED Support Centre (NSC): FOHOF has successfully established the United Kingdom’s only center, adopting a call center-style approach, that specializes in the early identification and prevention of gang grooming of young people. Through a dedicated helpline, expert staff members, and partnerships with law enforcement agencies, FOHOF strives to intervene at the earliest stages, safeguard vulnerable individuals, and disrupt the process of gang grooming. This objective aims to protect young people from the influence of gangs and provide support for their safe reintegration into society.

Addressing the Cost of Living Crisis: FOHOF is currently experiencing an overwhelming demand for support from service users facing a cost of living crisis. Recognizing the hardships faced by individuals and families in meeting basic needs such as food, housing, and utilities, the FOHOF aims to provide essential assistance, advocacy, and access to relevant resources. By partnering with local authorities, community organizations, and businesses, FOHOF endeavors to alleviate the immediate financial burdens faced by its service users and help them regain stability and self-sufficiency.

Through these objectives, Friends of the Horn Foundation CIC aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged and non-English speaking communities, tackle the issue of youth involvement in knife and violent crimes, protect young individuals from gang grooming, and address the urgent needs arising from the cost of living crisis. By providing essential advice, support, and early intervention, FOHOF seeks to foster a more inclusive, safe, and prosperous environment for all.


Parent Support and training topics:

  • Understanding the younger generation ways of thinking
  • Social media influence trends and threats
  • Bridging the gap between the older and younger generation

Youth Services/programs

  • Linking young people with role model ( from their ethnicity)
  • Identity awareness and confidence-building programs
  • Recreational programs that will change their way of thinking and perceiving things around them
  • Sports, art, music and booth camp activities
  • Employability training (equipping them skills such as Computer networking Cisco systems etc)
  • Collaborate with local businesses to try out some of these young people
  • Work with Local Authority to devise a program that will give local business rate rebates for businesses that employ young people.

Other areas or issues we deal with

  • Housing
  • All sorts of benefit issues support including form filling and follow up 
  • Educational 
  • Debt problems 
  • Accessing mainstream resources
  • Mental Health
  • Counseling